Invitation to the Attract-SEE project Initial Conference

We are pleased to invite you to the Attract-SEE Initial Conference, which will take place on Thursday, 13th of December 2012 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This will be an excellent opportunity for a constructive dialogue about challenges in the field of territorial monitoring and ways to overcome them.

The Initial Conference of the Attract-SEE project aims to present the need for territorial information in evidence-based spatial planning at different territorial levels and as an input for the development of regional development goals and objectives. Adequate data and information are certainly basic preconditions for evidence-based planning, but it is the policy coordination process related to good governance that brings an understanding of territorial dynamics into focus for sectoral policy developers and decision makers. For this reason, one part of the conference is planned for the discussion of the need for a better policy coordination process, preventing unwanted discord among different policy objectives and spatial conflicts. In addition, examples of different territory-related monitoring systems and projects will be presented and demonstrated at the conference.

The Attract-SEE project, which is financed by the SEE Transnational Co-operation Programme, aims to establish a common territorial monitoring framework in the South East European region to support coordination among different development and sectoral policies to achieve territorial cohesion and development goals. The main objective is to create a model of a monitoring system suited to the needs of policy and decision makers. By means of the establishment of a shared system of indicators, the model will be applied to monitoring territorial quality and attractiveness. A policy coordination process will also be designed – promoting and supporting participation and involvement of policy and decision makers from different sectors and administrative levels. The project involves ten partners, an ‘EU Associated Strategic Partner’ and eight ‘Observers’ from altogether nine countries. The Lead Partner is the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia.

The Conference Programme
. We kindly invite you to join us.

There is no participation fee, you can register by sending an e-mail to